obnoxious | 非常に不快な、失礼極まりない、デリカシーのない


形容詞 非常に不快な、失礼極まりない、デリカシーのない

難易度 ★★☆☆
・英検1級, TOEIC L&R 870~990点

イギリス英語 ©ondoku3.com
アメリカ英語 ©ondoku3.com



Mysta: I hate the people in class that are, like, intentionally obnoxious to teachers. Like, like the person I was talking about, right? Like, my friend that called the teacher a b*tch. It’s not like they do that all the time and it’s not like it was really that obnoxious. It was just like out of nowhere. But the people who are like always in class and they’re like always talking when the teacher’s talking and laughing out loud when the teacher’s explaining something or they’re on their phone all the time, like, not even trying to hide that they’re on their phone, right? Like, they just, they have it out on the table. It’s like, bro, f*ck off. F*ck you.
(教室でさ、教師に対してわざと舐め腐った態度とるやつがマジで無理なんだよね。なんかほら、話してたやついるじゃん?あの、先生をビッチ呼ばわりする友達。そいつはなんか、いつもやってるわけじゃないし、そんな超反抗的って感じでもなかったのね。単にパッと言っちゃうみたいな。でもその教室のやつらはさ、先生が話してるときにいっつも喋ってるし、先生が何か説明しようとすると大声で笑うし、んでそれかずっとスマホいじってるわけ。なんかもう、隠そうともしねえの。スマホいじってんのを。な?こう、あいつら、机の上に出しとくんだよ。もうなんかさ、お前ら、失せろよって。F*ck you。)

wii sports but i never lose any gamemode

Alban: Okay, I’m gonna be really obnoxious with Pomu this round. I’m gonna be Pomu’s quote-unquote bodyguard. Pomu, where are you? Pomu! Pomu! Where are you? Pomu!


Aia: And then, my dad ordered this obnoxiously bright pink cat stroller from Amazon. He’s like, because like, what I would do is, I have a leash for her. I have a harness for her so I can take on walks. But she wants to bite stuff. She wants to, like, eat the grass, which is probably not good for cats. Then, I’m getting kind of tired of holding her and so my dad ordered this obnoxious hot pink stroller for cats.

Aia’s Day Off 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】

