Elira: I wanna throw hands so bad. Never in my life have I wanted to punch somebody so hard. Oh my god. Oh my god. That was like the most insufferable conversation I’ve ever heard in my life. Like, I really felt like I was Date. (ぶん殴ってやりたい、マジで。今まで生きてきて、誰かをこんなに殴りたいと思ったことないわ。なんなのよ……。ほんとに……。こんなに耐え難い会話がこの世に存在してるとはね。もうマジで伊達に感情移入したわ。)
【AI: The Somnium Files】 A-SET YOU BET 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
Uki: Okay. You wanna fight? Let’s f*cking fight. Yeah, he wants to throw hands. I’ll throw hands. (いいよ。やりたいんでしょ?ボコり合おっか。うん、向こうが一戦交えたいなら、俺は受けて立つよ。)
【POKEMON VIOLET】how many more people I gotta beat now【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】
Ren: How could you like white chocolate? It just tastes like sugar. It literally just tastes like sugar. And I mean, I guess sugar is good, but you know, but like, you want that chocolate flavor. “I will fight you”? You wanna throw hands with me right now? You know what? I’m gonna take away all of your white chocolate and throw it in the trash, where it belongs. All right? All right? And then, you can jump in the trash after it because your opinion is trash. Okay? And that’s where you belong. (ホワイトチョコなんかのどこがいいの?砂糖の味しかしないだろ。マジで砂糖の味でしかない。いやまあね、砂糖もいいかもしれないけど、でもさ、なんかやっぱ、チョコの味が欲しいでしょ。「争いたい」?俺と今から拳を交えたいって言ってんの?言っとくけど、俺はお前のホワイトチョコを没収して、全部ゴミの中にぶち込むよ。あるべき場所に。ね?分かった?それで、後を追ってお前もゴミの中にダイブしなよ。そんなゴミみたいな考えならさ。ね?ほら、ゴミはゴミ箱にって。)